PsyBA Master Class: Supervision of Supervision Consultation 7 April 2025 (Videoconference)
BOOK EARLY AND SAVE! Early Bird Fee applies until 24 February 2025
Master Class - Early Bird Fee: $395.00 AUD - payments received by 24 February 2025
Master Class - Standard Fee: $440.00 AUD - payments received from 25 February 2025
Please note the Terms and Conditions of enrolment prior to enrolling.
Delivered via interactive videoconference (Zoom platform). This workshop is a PsyBA approved one day Master Class which will provide participants who are already approved supervisors with ongoing AHPRA accreditation for 5 years.
Supervisors attending this workshop will be provided with an opportunity to review and evaluate their supervision practice, and provide opportunities to discuss how they supervise, provide feedback and evaluate their practice of supervision. This will be done by supervisors providing examples of their experiences of supervision/questions and ‘stuck points’/dilemmas for review and reflection. In the final part of the day, supervisors will be offered a framework for how to conduct ‘Supervision of Supervision’ sessions, (i.e. how to review the supervision practice of psychologists presenting their supervision questions in supervision). Pre-reading resources are provided, including revision documents of competency-based supervision to ensure participants are familiar with the Board requirements.
By the end of the workshop participants will:
- have an opportunity to reflect on the supervision they offer, with opportunities for reflection and discussion on how to identify possible stuck points and be better positioned to manage these in the future
- have an opportunity to participate in a live ‘Supervision of Supervision’ demonstration session using material brought to the workshop by participants
- begin to consider their role of supervisor and how to provide ‘Supervision of Supervision’ to others
- understand client-supervisee / supervisee-supervisor (parallel process) and how to identify and manage unhelpful relational patterns that might impact adversely on feedback and evaluation
- consider the use of ‘self’ in the therapeutic and supervisory contexts and how relational reflection enhances reflexive and reflective clinical and supervisory practice.
- Part 1: Review of the core principles of effective supervision. How to structure supervision and set learning goals aligned to the Board-approved supervisor competencies as set by the Psychology Board of Australia.
- Part 2: A practice framework will be provided for supervisors to offer ‘Supervision of Supervision’.
- Part 3: Review of practice. Each participant will provide an example of one or more supervision sessions allowing for opportunities to reflect and refine the practice of:
- structuring and contracting supervision sessions aligned to core competencies
- feedback and evaluation skills
- managing practice issues/dilemmas and challenging supervisees.
PRESENTER: Christine Senediak
Christine Senediak is a Board Approved supervisor trainer with 35 years clinical experience and over 30 years experience as a supervisor and educator. She supervises widely providing individual, peer, group and organisational supervision to psychiatrists, psychologists and other health clinicians working in child, adolescent and family services, schools, adult mental health, drug health, gambling, sexual assault, cross cultural and trauma services. She divides her time between education, clinical work and supervision. Christine has trained as a systemic family therapist, which influences her approach to clinical supervision where the wider context is considered in understanding the development and maintenance of problems in clinical practice. She employs a reflective practice approach to supervision enhancing self awareness of relational issues between therapist, client and systems. Christine incorporates elements of systemic, cognitive behavioural, mindfulness and person centered therapies in supervision and training.
Participants are required to attend the full day and will receive a certificate of attendance for 7 hours of training in accordance with AHPRA Master class requirements. This workshop is interactive and allows ample time for practice and review of participant questions/clinical scenarios and case issues brought to the session. Further information on Board requirements regarding submission of certificate is available on the Psychology Board of Australia website.
This workshop is an AHPRA approved (Psychology) Master Class and complies with the requirements for the Psychology Board supervisor requirements. The workshop is also open to nurses, social workers, psychotherapists, counsellors, allied health and experienced practitioners who have at least 5 years clinical and supervisory experience and who have already undertaken introductory supervisor training.
This interactive videoconference MasterClass provides a framework for supervisors to reflect, review and monitor their supervision practice. Numbers are strictly limited for this online Master Class. ...
This workshop aims to provide a framework for conducting and evaluating reflective practice supervision within nursing and midwifery. It is suitable for those that are current supervisors wishing to refresh their skills in reflective and reflexive practice, and for those new to the role of supervision wanting to develop core reflective practice supervisory competencies. ...