Customised Training
Customised Workplace Training for Psychologists, Counsellors, Allied Health and Nursing Professionals
Clinical Supervision Services (CSS) is a provider of customised workplace training for organisations and teams. We have provided hundreds of workshops for organisations in a range of specialty areas, including Competency Based Supervision, Psychology Board of Australia Supervisor Training and Accredited Supervisor Training (ACA/PACFA). Our expert trainers can customise our ready-to-deliver workshops to meet the needs of your staff and organisation and deliver the training at a time and venue convenient to you.
Customised Courses Flyer
We have conducted training for the following organisations
We have delivered hundreds of customised workshops, including:
Supervision Training
Getting the Most out of Supervision (1-day course)
This one-day course introduces new supervisees to the principles of clinical supervision and ideas about how to get the most out of supervision. The course covers preparing for supervision and the principles and practices of effective supervision.
Competency Based Supervision Course (2-day course)
This popular two-day course provides new supervisors with fundamental skills in conducting clinical supervision. Participants will gain a thorough understanding of the principles and practice of effective clinical supervision, while exploring contemporary theories of competency based supervision and how to set up, manage and evaluate individual and group supervision using best practice standards and reflective practice.
Accredited Supervisor Course (3-day course)
A three-day course for counsellors, psychologists, social workers and allied health professionals seeking to be credentialed as Accredited Supervisors with the Australian Counselling Association (ACA). Covers the fundamental knowledge, skills and tools for setting up, managing and evaluating best practice competency-based supervision.
Master Classes
Supervision of Supervision (1-day workshop)
For existing supervisors who have already undertaken supervision training and who are in a position to supervise others who provide supervision. It will benefit both clinicians and team leaders/managers who wish to review and evaluate their supervision practice.
Reflective Practice in Supervision (1-day workshop)
The workshop provides supervisors with an understanding of how to apply reflective practice within a competency-based supervision model. Participants will develop meta-competencies for setting up, facilitating and evaluating supervisee reflectivity in practice.
Supervision for Trauma Informed Practice (1-day workshop)
This workshop provides an opportunity to critically examine the practice of competency based supervision within a trauma informed practice lens. Additional information is covered regarding the challenges of working within an environment of rapid change and stress and working with clients impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Clinical Supervision in Adult Mental Health: Managing risk, self-care and ethics (1-day workshop)
This workshop focuses on the provision of supervision for clinicians working with clients who present with complex mental health and comorbid presentations. There is a focus on identifying risk and managing complex clinical issues associated with acute and chronic mental health presentations. Systemic issues such as working within a multidisciplinary context and medical model are also addressed with regards to the supervision of clinical management, reporting and confidentiality.
Family Therapy
Systemic Family Assessment and Practice (1-day workshop)
This workshop will provide participants with an introduction on how to use genograms in assessment and develop a sound case formulation plan to apply family-focused interventions, keeping in mind the complexity of a family’s context, transgenerational history, patterns of interaction and events. Participants will be introduced to exploring family patterns of both contributing and maintaining factors influencing the development and maintenance of problem behaviours and relationships.
Working with Families: Fundamentals of Systemic Family Therapy (2-day workshop)
This workshop covers the core concepts and techniques of family therapy practice, providing an overview of the influence of the major schools of thought on contemporary practice. The emphasis will be on applying theory as systemic practice, through teaching, demonstration, video, role play, case illustrations, group discussion and small group exercises.